Oct 29, 2009


I have been shooting "leftovers" for many years now and the project has changed over time. I now have two projects going: One is the "leftovers" of food and such and the other photos are still lifes of "leftovers" that are dead animals basically. I will work more on both of these here in Denver but also while I am home over Thanksgiving. Over Thanksgiving I will re-shoot the project called "Milton" named after the town where my parents reside in Massachussetts. Busy, busy, busy!

This has been a difficult project but I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Today I shot a still life of "leftovers" from Mile Hi Stadium where the Broncos play. And what is really cool is that I shot the still life in the snow. Dont know if you people have heard but Colorado has received a ridiculous amount of snow. It has been snowing non-stop now for well over two days! So anyway I will share some more photos from "leftovers" as I shoot them. 

Oct 13, 2009

From the Archives

Part of my "job" now is to show people work that has never been seen. My assistant and I have spent over 3 weeks re-working my archives, and we are not done yet! It is crazy how many photos I have taken in 20 or so years. In fact I am becoming empowered looking at all the older negatives, but the challenge is to showcase images from older projects. There are complete projects that beg to be published. Like LaLaLand or Nudes. LaLaLand is a project of 4 by 5 portraits made in black and white in the Summer of 1994. They are images of the people of Los Angeles, or the City of Angels. I will start sharing these images with you in a few weeks once I have located and scanned the relevant negatives. I shot the Nudes for over 15 years. I will scan in a bunch of these images and then look for a publisher to do a Monograph. The featured image is from the Nudes project. I like to think of this image as a new take on "Adam and Eve." 

Fellowship Posting:

Silver Eye Center for Photography invites photographers from across the globe to submit work to their Fellowship 2009 Competition. Please see the attached link  for further details!