I have been shooting "leftovers" for many years now and the project has changed over time. I now have two projects going: One is the "leftovers" of food and such and the other photos are still lifes of "leftovers" that are dead animals basically. I will work more on both of these here in Denver but also while I am home over Thanksgiving. Over Thanksgiving I will re-shoot the project called "Milton" named after the town where my parents reside in Massachussetts. Busy, busy, busy!
This has been a difficult project but I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Today I shot a still life of "leftovers" from Mile Hi Stadium where the Broncos play. And what is really cool is that I shot the still life in the snow. Dont know if you people have heard but Colorado has received a ridiculous amount of snow. It has been snowing non-stop now for well over two days! So anyway I will share some more photos from "leftovers" as I shoot them.